IT-Methods is a premier IT staffing/consulting service provider
Our sourcing model ensures quality resources are provided on time at a very competitive pricing.
For your sourcing needs:
what we do
IT-Methods specializes in technology staffing and IT consulting for short term and long term assignments
Our sourcing approach ensures that your requirements are filled with talented resources at the right cost
Our quick turnaround time and high rate of submission to final conversion ratio reflects our deep strength in partnering with our clients to understand their unique needs and perspectives.
Our differentiators include:
- Highly talented resources at competitive price
- Quick turnaround time, often within the next business day
- Network partners to identify both onsite, offsite and offshore resources
Our services
IT Staffing #1
We provide resources for short term placement, long term placement, contract to hire and full time resources.
We provide onsite, offsite and offshore resources through our network partners thus offering you an integrated approach for today's sourcing needs.
IT Consulting #2
We provide professionals with a wide variety of technology exposure for consulting assignments.
Consulting provided in sourcing strategy, outsourcing frameworks, vendor selection and SLA based governance framework.
Contact Info
34432 Torrey Pine Ln
Union City, CA 94587
510-240-1342 - Phone
510-240-1415 - Fax